Understanding finance is pivotal in today's world. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions about savings, investments, and budgeting, ultimately leading to financial security, independence, and the ability to navigate economic uncertainties with confidence.
What Is Bad Debt? [And Why It Matters]
Though the line between good and bad debt can get fuzzy, there are some things that differentiate the two.
How to invest when you feel like you're behind
You know you should’ve started investing yesterday, but, since you can’t, start today!
What is Financial Literacy?
Financial literacy is the ability to understand—and manage—your finances through the use of skills like budgeting and investing.
How to retire early from the best industries for employment
Early retirement is possible, no matter what your job is.
How to build wealth when you’re living paycheck to paycheck
You don't have to already be wealthy in order to build wealth.
5 Best Practices for Making Better Financial Decisions (Even if You Aren’t Financially Savvy)
Determine if a financial decision is right for you by following these best practices.
Different Types of Debt & Which to Pay Off First
We’re breaking down the most common types of debt and walking through which you should pay off first!
Going from 6-figure debt to financial literacy advocate
Husband, dad, and IT professional by trade, Brian started Debt Discipline in 2013 along with his journey to recover from years of unintentionally reckless spending.
How to Build Credit When You Have None
Whether you just graduated and have no credit, or have made it through your adult years without building credit, these tips will help you out.
12 personal finance tools I’m using to transform my savings
The more you understand and manage your finances, the easier it will be to achieve your goals, including saving for early retirement. Getting a handle on your finances may involve better tracking of what’s coming in and going out, dealing with existing debt, cutting back on unnecessary spending, improving your credit score, and more.
How I paid off $25k in debt lightning fast and how you can too
If you’re wondering how to pay off debt fast, hear from personal finance blogger Emma Thomas as she shares her blueprint with you!
Your Financial Past Limits Your Financial Future
Many years ago, I sat in a training taught by the late, great Stephen R. Covey. He spoke about the importance of listening as a leadership tool. In a section of his training about the importance of understanding and compassion for others, he said something that I’ll never forget:
Here is why your brain will like the debt snowball
The debt snowball is one of the most well-known methods of getting out of debt, and here is why your brain will like it.